Film History
Teacher/Assistant in Film History
Service Description
A TYPICAL LECTURE: My lessons will be interactive as I am of the idea that a teacher must always know how to listen to the ideas of others by building a path together where everyone can express their opinions. With the help of a series of theoretical-critical contributions of reference, the main steps that have marked the consolidation of cinema as an art, language and industry will be reviewed. First, there will always be a small introduction to the “language of the film” followed by the various themes that will be discussed together. Based on the lesson, the various topics will be dealt with primarily considering the geographical, historical and cultural aspects. The main themes can be The invention and the early years of cinema; The international expansion of cinema; National cinemas, Hollywood classicism and the First World War; France, Germany and Soviet cinema in the 1920s; The last season of the silent; The introduction of sound and the Hollywood studio system; Cinema and totalitarian countries such as the USSR, Germany and Italy; France and poetic realism; American and European cinema after the war; Italy and neorealism; Cinema as art and the idea of an author; The Nouvelles Vagues and the new cinema; The fall and rebirth of Hollywood; Europe and the USSR from the seventies onwards; A developing world and cinema from the seventies to today; Global cinema and digital technology. In addition, we can explore other aspects concerning the history of the documentary, animated cinema, series B movies and even films released in cinemas in the last 20 years. TEACHING TECHNIQUES: Based on the topic to be discussed, it will always be suggested to watch one or more films before each lesson to be able to discuss them together. The lesson will be held through the presentation of slides and the viewing of short parts of the main films of the historical period under analysis. WHO ARE MY LESSONS FOR: My lessons are aimed at anyone interested in knowing or deepening their skills in film history. There is no age limit, or a specific level of education required, in fact, all those interested in the cinema field could enrol both for pure passion and for preparation for exams. Finally, I assure you that as soon as you start the lessons you will realize that your film knowledge, even if minimal, will be essential.

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Cancellation Policy
En: For cancellation, please contact me at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any problems. It: Per la cancellazione, vi prego di contattarmi con almeno 24 ore di anticipo per qualsiasi probelma.